Chicken Coop School Staff
Wendy Davenport and Miranda Kingfisher are the principal teachers at the Chicken Coop. Both have many years experience educating young people. They love their jobs, and enjoy watching children learn and grow.

Wendy has been teaching since 1981. She earned her BA from the University of California Berkeley and her MA in Education from Tufts University. She attended the Teacher Training Course at the Shady Hill School in Cambridge, MA, where she also taught fifth grade and then sixth grade for 14 years. She has taught English and Writing at the Chicken Coop School since its start in 2002 and believes that teaching middle school is one of the best and most interesting jobs there is.

Miranda brings her love of working with students, contemplating interesting questions, and engaging with nature to the Chicken Coop. She earned her BA from Oberlin College before moving to New England to teach middle school students across classrooms, forests, and farms. She recently completed her MS in Environmental Studies with a focus on teaching at Antioch University of New England and is excited to continue to support and challenge students in their learning.